Reducer is a function which takes previous props and action and returns new props
kaReducer(prevProps, action) // returns new props
There is an example with predefined kaReducer
// example with hooks,
// in this case props are stored in the state
const [tableProps, changeTableProps] = useState(tablePropsInit);
const dispatch: DispatchFunc = (action) => { // describe how to behave when action is dispatched
changeTableProps((prevProps: ITableProps) =>
kaReducer(prevProps, action) // kaReducer returns new props to the state to update the Table
return (
Custom Reducer
kaReducer can be combined/extended/replaced with custom reducers:
// extend kaReducer
const customReducer = (prevProps, action) => {
case "MY_CUSTOM_ACTION": return { ...prevProps, editableCells: [] };
default: return kaReducer(prevProps, action);